5 Min Skincare Dinner for Dry, Dehydrated Skin

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  • 12 ingredientsPrep: 10 minsCook: 15 mins
    Picture of Alice Sun

    Alice Sun

    Sep 20, 2023

    The shift from summer to fall is one of my favorite times for a few reasons:

    1. IT’S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH (where my virgo/libras at?)
    2. Crisp air, cozy evenings, and warm soup — name a more elite combo
    3. Getting to see the leaves changing color will never cease to amaze me (even though this year I’ll have to miss the Northeast colors)

    But every year, I fall into the same pattern: my skin gets oily, then drier and drier as they humidity of summer is leaving us. And this year, with the excitement (and let’s face it, stress) of starting a new job, my body decided to protest with her classic inflammatory response.

    But, in this whirlwind of change, I discovered a silver lining - a quick 5-minute sesame noodle soba dish. Simple, delicious, and packed with ingredients that do wonders for both my palate and my well-being. This bowl of comfort not only nourishes my skin but also helps to calm my body’s inflammation.

    Here’s how to make it for 2:

    Ingredients (12)
