Shanghainese Style Wontons

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  • 17 ingredientsPrep: 1 hr, 30 minsCook: 10 mins
    Picture of Alice Sun

    Alice Sun

    Mar 29, 2024

    After visiting the family back home on the East Coast, I got super nostalgic for some of my favorite family recipes so I made a big batch of these Shanghai style wontons I grew up with. Ran to the local 99 Ranch for all the ingredients and found a pack of spinach wontons so of course I had to make these with a mixture of both regular and spinach wonton wrappers. It ended up looking so colorful, which I feel like makes it even tastier! We eat with our eyes after all, right?

    Ingredients (17)

      Wonton filling



    Make wonton filling

    Wrapping wontons
