Vegan Wood Ear Mushroom Mapo Tofu | 黑木耳麻婆豆腐

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  • 14 ingredientsPrep: 25 minsCook: 25 mins
    Picture of Alice Sun

    Alice Sun

    Apr 29, 2022

    Welcome to my new series where I highlight healthy dishes that incorporate ingredients recommended in traditional Chinese medicine! Hope you enjoy these recipes where functionality meets flavor 😌

    We’re starting things off with wood ear mushroom, a super food for its high levels of iron and plant based collagen. There are so many ways to make wood ear, but if you’re looking for something that packs a punch, try this mapo tofu recipe. It’s spicy, salty, umami, with a hint of acidity from the black vinegar.

    I know some of these ingredients may be hard to find, so I linked these shoppable links below so you can get them delivered to your door! Get 15% off your order by using code ASUN15

    Ingredients (14)



    Rehydrate & Wash Wood Ear Mushrooms
