Smashed Cucumber Salad

Alice Sun•Nov 6, 2024
Thank God we’re finally normalizing sensitive tummies!
Meal prepping for MY sensitive stomach has truly been a life-changing practice, since I can’t really get by with just eating most ready made foods from fast food spots or the grocery.
These are the 3 meal prep ideas I’ve been making a lot recently for their hydrating properties and high fiber content, inspired by the Japanese appetizers I’d have a ton of during my recent trip to Tokyo and Kyoto. They also are uniquely formulated for moisturizing the gut, using Chinese medicinal cooking practices.
So without further ado, here are the 3 dishes and how to make them!

Alice Sun (@alicecsun) shares a unique view into her life through the ways she uses food to nurture wellness, cross cultural divides, and bring people together, all through the medium of storytelling.
Crush the cucumber (2) with the side of your knife, then slice into triangular pieces
In a separate bowl, combine the vinegar (1 ½ Tbsp), soy sauce (1 Tbsp), sugar (1 tsp), salt (1 tsp), and garlic (2 cloves) until sugar has dissolved
Add in the cucumber (2) and cilantro (1 handful), give it a good toss, and serve with a drizzle of sesame oil